Weather permitting. Wear layers, bring a stool (unless you like to sit on damp grass on your knees), and help us transcribe and measure stones in "Section A" of the cemetery. There are over 300 grave markers in this area at the corner of Congress and Mountfort, and we intend to document them all this year. If you have an eye for detail and love filling out forms, we're looking for your help.
Email us if you're interested in attending or just show up if it's not raining!
Help us maintain the beauty of the first workday's fruitful work! On May 2, 17 living souls showed up to plant, mulch, trim, prune, and clean the grounds. Thank you to all who volunteered their morning time and their energy to this worthy historic site. Read about us in the front page story from the Portland Daily Sun article, "Volunteer cleanup crews bring passion to parks, cemeteries."
After the workday, take a jaunt down to Portland High School and say hello to us at the Spirits Alive table. We'll have goodies, artwork, and information on what our group is up to behind the gates. There will also be food and music from many cultures, and admission is FREE!
The family of Alicia McKellar wished for Spirits Alive to have the poem that she was inspired to pen after a tour through the site. We thank them for their generosity and for the words their mother left.
Read the poem, "Into the Past on Congress Street."
Barry Hosmer, the Eastern Cemetery's landscape architect, and Christina White, founder of Spirits Alive, were both mentioned in an article in the Vacationland insert of the Portland Press Herald called, "History rests peacefully in old Maine cemeteries." The Eastern Cemetery scored it's own subsection!
In addition to being one of the most exiting businesses in the city of Portland, the North Star Café is the best place near the cemetery to pick up a good cup o' joe, a vegan sandwich, or an organic cookie. Make a point of stopping in before your tour, at a break during one of the workdays, or any evening when they have an eclectic mix of entertainment. They have always been a great supporter of the work we do here in the cemetery, providing space right across the street for our art opening in 2006 to our intermittent team meetings throughout the years. Please stop in and tell them we sent you!
Help Spirits Alive keep the Eastern Cemetery alive for generations to come and join as a Friend. For only $25 a year ($40 for families, $15 for students or elders), you can help:
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