Died: October 1860
Young John H. Burbank was buried at Eastern Cemetery in October of 1860. He was just 16 years old when his life was cut short by consumption (today called tuberculosis). No stone is found for him, but the records indicate that he was “buried at the foot of Thomas Bolton’s grave.”
A couple of other curiosities are linked to John Burbank. His burial record indicated only that he was the “son of Ann Burbank,” omitting the name of his father. Ann died 2 years later (1862), and her gravesite at Eastern Cemetery is also unadorned.
His father, John M.C. Burbank, was originally from New Hampshire, but he is found in the 1850 census in Augusta, Maine, working as a farmer. The year he died of dysentery (1857), he was employed as a painter in Boston. Perhaps John and his mother moved back to Maine in order to be closer to relatives, but we may never know why his father isn't listed on his burial record.
Another curiosity is also related to his burial record: “His arm interred in June.” Poor John! He lost his father in 1857, one of his arms in the summer of 1860, and his life the next fall. Though no stone marks his grave, we are lucky to know from records where he (and presumably his arm) rest in peace.
Thanks to Ron Romano for gathering and providing information about John. You can suggest a subterranean celebrity! Just send an email—it doesn't take much to make a nice little story. An index of all of our Subterranean Celebrities is available.