Daily at 4pm
It’s best if you buy tickets through our Eventbrite site ahead of time* as we prefer our guides don’t have to handle cash. Not that we won’t take your cash—but we likely cannot make change. We are excited to escort you around this garden of art and history.
Special Themed Tour: Enslavement in Maine
Led by Vana Carmona of the Prince Project
Saturday, September 9
Buy tickets on Eventbrite*
From the time Portland was settled by European colonists, Black people, enslaved and free, were part of this community. Many of their names have been lost to history—sometimes listed as property in wills or on bills of sale, often buried in unmarked graves—all the while playing a critical role in enabling the success of White people. Vana will take you to the graves of prominent enslavers, some her own ancestors, and reveal the names of enslaved people who helped make their success possible. She will also lead you into the two African American sections of the burial ground. Vana is the founder of the Prince Project, a database of almost 2,000 people of color enslaved in Maine prior to 1800.