Military Markers in Eastern Cemetery
Inside the gates of the Eastern Cemetery, you will find an array of military markers. A sampling of all military-related stones can be found in our Military Markers of Eastern Cemetery Flickr album.
We've created a table that lists all of our veterans.
More information on U.S. military markers can be found online at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Association website:
- Markers and Medallions General Information
- History of Government Furnished Headstones and Markers
- Types of Headstones, Markers and Medallions Available
A few types of government-issued markers that reflect the military service of those interred in Eastern Cemetery include:
Marble (new) upright for Joseph Coffin Boyd of the War of 1812 (a high resolution image of the Boyd marker is on our Flickr site)

Marble upright marker for Civil War veteran William Henry Love (higher resolution image of the Love marker is on our Flickr site)

Granite flat for Daniel Lunt, a captain in the Revolutionary War

The cemetery also includes markers that indicate military history although they were not issued by the government.